1.- Download Outlook express Click here to download.
2.- Open Outlooks express. Go to Tools option and Choose Account.
3.- Click on New button to add a new Account
4.- An Account Setup Assistant window will open. Type your name on the box and click in the arrow at the buttom right of the window.
5.- Enter your email Email address and click on the arrow at the button right of the window to continue.
6.- For your incoming mail server, choose POP. For the incoming mail server, type in "mail.ciscinc.com". For the outgoing mail server, type in the same thing: " mail.ciscinc.com".
a) Some broadband providers do not allow you to use an outside mail server to send email. So you will need to contact them to see what their mail server settings are for outgoing mail. You will know this if you put in mail.ciscinc.com for outgoing mail server and you get an error when you try and send email. You would need to contact your broad band provider to get that setting.
Click the right arrow at the bottom of the window to continue.
7.- Enter the account name this is the username on the account and then enter the Password. If you activate Save Password check box the password will be saved to your computer and you will not need to enter again.
8.- Now your are a step to finishing the settings. Type in Account Name the name that you which to appear in this account setting so you'll know which account you're checking if you decide to set up more than one account
9.- Go to tools menu and choose account. You will see the new account you made. Now double click on the account and will pop up a window with the settings.
10- If some setting changed in the future you can modify here. Click ok to close the window.
11.- To check if you have a new email. Click on Send & Receive button.